100% satisfaction guaranteed

customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. we've introduced
a warranty for every glassie you register:

10 day

no questions asked: return or exchange

2 month

product warranty: one-time exchange

what's covered?

no questions asked: return or exchange (10 day)

not happy? want a different design? we offer a 10-day no questions asked return or exchange policy for all orders

  • eligible to all products
  • eligible to all customers
  • within 10 days of product purchase
product warranty: one-time exchange (2 month)

our 2-month warranty offers a replacement for any impaired products, regardless of the cause of damage

  • eligible to all products
  • eligible to all customers
  • within 2 months of product purchase
  • same value of lesser value items

get your glassie registered

the following form will ensure that your glassie is
registered and eligible for our warranty offering
(must be registered within 5 days of receiving product)